Friday 4 October 2013


To make research from title is choose.

Progress of finding title is completed by own searching. The title is taken from my previous diploma project and enhance it more. Title chosen is WIRELESS TEMPERATURE CONTROL AND MOTION SENSOR IN INCUBATOR. This chosen of this title  is cause by to make monitoring by wireless in
using radio frequency wave (RF) to receive out of temperature and motion. Now day, inside incubator there are many function inside it. Only one function or sensor are not inside of incubator is motion. Motion detected by using motion detector that place inside incubator. The problem when using only one motion detector, it will react and read it is motion while it just moving one hand of infant. The searching of flow of this project are started to focus on hardware and also software in this project. Research it make to the hardware how the project are progress by search in internet and asking for senior and lecture. The researching is in progress.

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